Tuesday, September 25, 2007



Yesterday was my birthday!! =D (so, i should've posted this yesterday.. but i was really lazy.. =P)
So.. to celebrate my b-day (and others.. because i think i'm not the only one who was born on Sep, 24th..) here is a cute video:

I didn't make this... so don't blame me for the typos.. =P

But this year i got a wonderful gift (besides money..), i got an ELECTRIC BASS!! isn't that awesome? i'm loving it (and it isn't in a McDonald's kinda way.. =p)..

well.. i don't know what else to write.. and i don't want to write anything else.. =P so..


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hello! My name is JD and I'm a(n) alcoholic blogger-wannabe


Well, this week I decided to take a break from my busy busy schedule - *nose starts growing* - ok, so it isn't that busy, but I actually do stuff (from time to time.. =P)
Anyway... Today, as I sat on my computer chair eating kiwi (there it is, the green striking again!), I' kept thinking about what topic to choose for my next post. And then, it hit me (not literally, because then I'd be hurt...): I have to introduce myself!

My name is Ana Iolanda, I'm from Portugal, I live in a village near Lisbon, the capital, and I'm 15 (well, not quite, but I will be 15 less than a week from now).
Hmm.. online I go by the name JD or JaneDoe, I just think it is a cool name. =P

I'm an aspiring musician, and I play guitar, piano and drums. (oh yeah \m/ rock 'n' roll baby!) I think I'm a funny person (only sometimes) and I love to ramble about things (only when I'm with friends or when I'm confident.. otherwise I'm really really shy).
I collect DVDs and CDs, I take way too much time to shower and I love pop art! (and I love ramdomness!)
Oh! I'm straight edge... and that's the only thing straight about me! q= That's right, I'm also queer (just to add another label).

What else? What can I write about myself? I never know what else to write on the "About Me" sections...
I guess the easiest way to describe myself is.. to ask my friends to do it for me!! =D (god, I'm so lazy..!)

Here it goes:

"Iolanda is a methodic and creative person. Words from a senile teacher. Well, that teacher has a few moments of lighting, because she was right. Although she acts carefully, she's an adventurer and loves challenges. She's self-confident. She says what she thinks, she doesn't care what people think about her. She wears what she likes, she does what she likes. She's someone who to trust. She's intelligent and smart, although she's proud of herself. She is polite and practical. Since she as a gold, she does whatever it takes to reach it. She's persistent and preserverant. She is ugly." - Manuela (ohh, ain't she sweet? *.* except for that ugly bit.. that's totally wrong, obviously... i'm extremelly sexy... or not)

hmmm... i guess my friends are as lazy as me, cuz.. hmm.. nobody else wanted to give me a description.. =( I know, poor me..!

Anyway, if that wasn't enough, you can always visit my Hi5, MySpace and OurChart. (=

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Is Green In?


...and by asking that question I don't mean fellow blogger Green, whose blog i've been following lately. I keep looking around these days and there's more green around us - and i'm not talking about trees and stuff. For instance, I got the idea to write this non-sense post when I looked down at the hour thing in my pc, only to notice that all of the icon there were green! I know, high drama, right?

All green!

And more and more there are green products coming from every country and company. For example.. hmm.. ok, I can't think of anything right now, but you get my point. All I know is that I miss that "Microsoft gray" that windows used to have. Now even my computer is getting "greener". Is it a conspiracy? Did green decide to dominate the other colors? Should we be worried?

Well, if you promise to keep a secret, I'll tell you something special... you promise? Really? Cross your heart and hope to die? Shh! =x I almost picked green as my blog main color! I almost surrendered to the enemy!

I know this post is really silly but.. could you pretend to like it? Please? *.*

New Blog, New [Fill In The Missing Word]


Well, first of all, hi there! And welcome to my new - and first ever! - blog.

I'm letting you know the dirty little secret about me (No! It's not that, you dirty mind...) : I'm totally new at this blog thing and maybe - just maybe - I don't really know what I'm doing. *trembles with unspoken fears*

Now that I think about it... I lied. I had a blog once, but it was for a school project and I had "co-writers". But I guess it wasn't that bad because we got "Destaque" in the competition (we didn't win though.. hmm =/)

Well, it would be awesome if you could "guide" me, or suggest interesting (and funny!) topics for me to write ramble about. (=